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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

20 weeks of fitness

I have become a fan of the biggest loser this season. It has provided me with inspiration and enlightenment. I think it is because I have prepared myself to be open and honest about what I want and where I am and why I haven't gotten to where I want to be.

Who goes on a plantstrong eating regimen that is an ultra lean vegan plan and doesn't lose weight like mad? Uh, that would be me. I lost weight in the beginning, but then it stopped. As it stalled, probably because my body went into protection mode, I began to give up on it and slowly but surely the bad foods crept back in. Sweets - cookies, candy; fat - fried food, chips; seafood - rarely; and even cheese - though that was a one time breakdown and only once. No exercise + bad foods = no weight loss and probably weight gain...on a vegan diet. My body needs to burn the calories and I have not stoked the engine. I'm ready.

So I have learned that a vegan regimen is not a diet - you don't necessarily lose weight. But the biggest thing I learned is how to eat well and in a very healthy way. I deviated from that path because I was not getting to where I wanted to be. It wasn't because I couldn't stick to the eating regimen - I could. It was because I felt defeated from my goal. That is what led me astray to where I could not resist those bad foods.

I won't get to my goal unless I move my body and get active. That's the next step and I have to take it.
So I am going to do my own biggest loser effort
20 weeks June 1 to October 20
5 pounds per week for a total of 100

I'll get on the scale June 1 and take it from there.

Between now and June 1 I am going to take the same baby steps I took before I started my vegan change. Practice and build into exercise, workout, and sweat. It's a big change and I can't do it on day one. Same was true for getting on the vegan train. But now I have a head start - I know how to eat healthy! And now I will have a reason to stay on the plantstrong path - I have a goal and I am being proactive.

I'll keep you posted starting June 1. See you then :)


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